Monday, December 31, 2018

The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Title: The Assassin's Blade
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Rating: 📖📖📖/ 5

I'm going to keep this review short because I don't think I was really a fan of this book. Not because it is a book of novellas, but because really nothing happens in any but the last novella. I understand that these stories build the history of Celaena Sardothien and what led her to the events of Throne of Glass, but I just couldn't get into the stories. I don't want to give anything away, so this review will like I said be short.

The book is made up of five novellas, each in a different area at a different time. We see how Celaena reacts to situations such as helping a lowly healer to making a new friend in the desert. Through all five stories we see how Celaena is ultimately caught up in a maze of lies, deceit and ultimately loss on many levels. If you've read Throne of Glass we know something happened to Celaena's first love, Sam. In the last stories of this compilation, we finally find out how it all went down. And it is sad and actually makes me feel bad for her. And trust me, I'm not sold on Celaena yet so making me feel bad for her is quite a feat.

Overall, The Assassin's Blade is a good introduction into backstory of Celaena and helps to understand what led to the events of Throne of Glass. I do recommend you read these BEFORE you read Throne of Glass though I was told to read ToG first. Happy reading!

#books #reading #theassassinsblade #celaenasardothien #novellas #sarahjmaas #mrsmadonnareads #currentlyreading #library #bloomsbury #bloomsburypublishing

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

  Title: Home Before Dark Author: Riley Sager Rating 📖📖📖📖 / 5 Thank you Riley Sager for making a comeback!  I’ve been a fan of Mr. Sager...