Title: No Exit
Author: Taylor Adams
Publisher: William Morrow and Company
Rating: 4 / 5
This one is a bit of a doozy. No Exit is a slow burn in the beginning as we learn more about Darby and how and why she ends up at the rest stop with a bunch of weirdos in the middle of a blizzard. I mean, Darby really is an idiot. Who doesn't bring an extra phone charger? Or have one in their car?? Sorry folks but she just doesn't make good decisions throughout this book and it's infuriating. Sometimes I wonder if if the characters in books ever watch horror or thriller movies haha.
But Adams does a great job with building the characters and invoking strong emotions when it comes to each character. I mean, I REALLY hated the villains and felt sorry for the victims. In many other books I don't feel attached to the characters, but Adams got me with this one. Bravo to you sir. While some of the writing was weird in that it made the characters sound childish, I actually believed it given the types of people the characters were.
Overall, the bad guys are pretty obvious and the ending wasn't that big of a surprise, but I still recommend it for thriller lovers. It was actually nice to read a book that was pretty straight forward but not totally devoid of any plot and character development. So if you just want a good little thriller without any crazy frills or deep plot, pick this up!
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